Concerto Enrique Batize


Many of the greatest pianist of the past were also amazing conductors , name as Liszt, Fischer, Iturbi and Anda;  nowadays Ashkenazy and Baremboim show us that it is possible to be a great pianist and a great conductor at the same time.

Enrique Batiz started to study piano in 1950 with Francisco Agea, Maestro of the most brilliant mexicans pianists, and he performed the first time when he was only 5 years old.

Then he improved himself with Gyorgy Sandor, Adele Marcus, Alexander Uninsky and graduated in warsaw with Zbignieg Drzewieckie.

After winning the Prize of the Yuventudes Musicales del Mexico and the contest “Homenaye a Chopin” of Canal 11 of the Mexican Television, he won many prizes in the most important Pianistic European  Contests: “Busoni “ in Bolzano, “Regina Elisabetta” in Bruxelles, “Marguerite Long” in Parigi and “Chopin” in Varsavia.


After a brilliant pianistic career, Enrique Batiz dedicated himself at the conducting and he become one of the most famous conductor of America Latina. He has conducted more than 500 orchestras around the world and he recorded for the BBC of London with the Royal Philarmonic Orchestra. Artist appreciated for his vehemence and enthusiasm, he shows a profound  and special  musical comprehension also between the most recognized conductors.  His discography consists of 145 records for LABELS as EMI, Naxos, ASV, Musical Heritage and  ARS, realized with the London Symphony Orchestra, the Liverpool Philarmonic Orchestra, the Orquesta Sinfónica del Estado de México, the Orchestra della Toscana, etc…


Since few years Batiz, despite the engagements with the orchestras and the theatres, he’s back to his first love, the piano.

During his career he received many important prizes and recognitions  as The Biennial prize of Art Confederation professionists of Mexico, the prize “José Marti” and the “Medaglia Aquila di Tlateloco”, the international prize “Mercurio d’Oro” in Rome and the “Medaglia of Rio Branco”, in four occasions (1971, 1981, 1983, 1986) he won the annual prize of the Mexican Union of columnists of Theatre and Music.

